After submitting information/uploads it would be nice to run a validation to see results on demand instead of waiting for DPI.
Allow districts to run their own validations.

Deployed to production on 3/28 open the WISEdata Portal Data Statistics panel. Click on the Queue Validation’ button.
Jennifer Kuenne commented
I know I have probably suggested this before, but it would be really nice if districts had the opportunity to validate their own records. This would especially be nice if we are trying to fix a problem, we think we have figured out a solution, but we can't be sure until DPI validates. Everything are working on comes to an immediate stop until we know what we are doing is correct.
Deb Ristow commented
Please have the ability for immediate validation when making changes in our SIS to when the data shows up in the WISE portal. I can make changes in my SIS and have to keep checking back to see when they take effect in the portal. It is very time consuming to keep checking back. Even more frustrating is the fact that I can make three changes and they appear in the portal at different times- meaning two changes can appear the next day and the third change can take up to two days later. This process seems to defeat the purpose of having live up to date data.
Allison Gunderson commented
That would be fantastic! Thanks for the response.
Jennifer Kuenne commented
Add something so that school districts can force a validation. It is hard to work on something and then have to wait until the next validation to see if it actually worked. If you have a number of similar errors, you hate to move forward on fixing them, until you know what you have done actually works.
Amy Lautenbach commented
It would be helpful if we had the option to Initiate a validation on our own after an upload or changes have been made. In the past with ISES we were able to run validation right away and see results so we could continue working on solutions or see if the problem was fixed.
Allison Gunderson commented
Would LOVE to see a validation that is initiated by the LEA. Appreciate the regular validations that automatically happen, but would also like the ability to manually generate/initiate a validation after a large number of changes were made in our SIS.
Anonymous commented
Are there specific times that WISEdata validates? I've been working on errors and the last time it validated was 3 hours ago. It's hard to see if what I'm doing is clearing up errors. Will we be able to set off a validation ourselves in the future like we could in ISES? Thanks.
Victoria Esgar commented
Give user the ability to initiate validation in order to verify recently applied changes have removed errors.
This ability could just be for those students whose information has recently changed, and not intended to validate the entire student database.