Please share your ideas and suggestions to DPI on how the WISEid system should work.
Caution: This is a public forum. Do not include any student identifiable information. Inappropriate content will be removed.
30 results found
Have a longer time before logging out
I can be actively working in WISEid and then I get a message that I will be logged out or I am logged out without receiving a message.
3 votes -
Reports for Upload Results.
Ability to run a report to view the file information, # of errors per file, # of potential matches and the # of committed.
This will allow us to see when the busy times are and better allocate time to process through out the year.
1 vote -
Automate WiseID to transfer between the SIS.
Automate WiseID to transfer between the SIS and WISE and only have the matching process for non exact matches.
1 vote -
sort by birthday
On person/search edit, it would be nice to be able to sort by birthday especially for nationalities that often have the same first and commo
3 votes -
Wise ID Upload Screen
I am stuck on the Overview Screen with no options to choose from. . . The landing page is just overview words with no links. . .super frustrating. . . before, the page would load with several options on the side and I could load a file, search for a student, or manage data right away, without having to make another click.
1 vote -
Pending Change Request for Dependent Agencies
Have pending change requests disappear from your portal if you approve them, regardless of whether there is another dependent agency that has not responded.
1 vote -
Additional filter to FTE Summary Report
Add additional filter, by school, to FTE Summary Report. This data is used in District for several reports.
2 votes -
WISEid Upload Complete Email Notification
I would like to have an email notification automatically generated (or an option to check a box to receive it) after a WISEid upload completes. Often, especially during busy times, we are #15-20 in line. It would be nice to receive an email that the process finished so we know we can go back to it.
2 votes -
Special Characters in names
Allow for special characters in names. Example: Téa. Váquéz, Garciá, Zöe, Eleña, etc.
108 votesWe have an approved IT Request to complete this change. We will work on it when time permits.
In messages/notifications, create a "flag" (OAS uses an asterisk) for repeated notifications.
When the same notification keeps reappearing time after time, it would be nice to tag it so that time does not have to be wasted seeking answers to repeat info that was already submitted.
2 votes -
Fewer clicks on WiseID match review
I have 102 potential matches to go through after uploading staff to get a WiseID. I would like to see the number of clicks reduced when going through the match process. We have to click "Next", "Accept", and then "Confirm" just to confirm that we are adding a new person or merging with an existing ID.
4 votes -
Specify School as well as District with Contact Info in WISEid Search
When do a search for students in WISEID, we can see our District and other Districts that the student has attended however it would be extremely helpful if, for the other Districts, it would provide a link to the actually school within the District that the student enrolled at. We know that we can look up different agencies and get the contact information for those Districts but it would be much more efficient if we could just click on the other District from the WISEID - Student Search and find the specific school within that District that the student…5 votes -
Pop-Up notification
Add the pop-up telling you there is change requests to the "WiseStaff" portal just like the WISEid ones shows
1 vote -
Specific Shool as well as District
When do a search for students in WISEID, we can see our District and other Districts that the student has attended however it would be extremely helpful if, for the other Districts, it would provide a link to the actually school within the District that the student enrolled at. We know that we can look up different agencies and get the contact information for those Districts but it would be much more efficient if we could just click on the other District from the WISEID - Student Search and find the specific school within that District that the student…4 votes -
Better Search
When you go to search/edit and type in a student's name it would be great if the system would look for names that start with the letters typed in. For example, last name of Paepcke, if you type in the first name and the last name = Paep, a child with the last name of Bebo shows up. Sometimes I am unsure on how to spell the name but can guess, without the full name it is hard to search for students.
1 vote -
Make comments required for a denial of request, please
18 votesunder review ·AdminJoshua Roy (Product Owner, Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction) responded
We do prompt for an Optional message during the Denial on the screen. We will poll users if we should require comment.
WISEId Status Bar
Suggestion-the WISEid status bar
Would it be possible to make the WISEId status bar larger and appear more in the middle of the page to make it more noticeable?1 vote -
Add associated district to Modifier in Person Change HIstory
In the Person Change History for a student, would it be possible to list the district the Modifier is associated with? When tracking down who changed something it would be nice to be able to easily see the district who made the change.
1 vote -
Enrollment history
Need all of the enrollment history to display
5 votesunder review ·AdminJoshua Roy (Product Owner, Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction) responded
If you also have WISEdata Portal access we allow you to see the last two enrollments for a person in WISEid when you search for a person and expand the details for the results of a person. We also show the past 2 enrollments during the Match Review process to help determine if you have the correct person. Please let us know if the last two enrollments are enough for you in the comments. If you don’t have access to the WISEdata Portal please contact your district’s DSA to get access.
Ability to Separate Auto-matched Students
Ability to separate students that automatically match but are different kids. Or for the system to look at more fields to match information before automatically grouping them under the same WISEid.
We have students automatically matching to students from other districts due to their first name, last name, and date of birth matching. It is causing errors for both districts since they end up with the same WISEid imported back into the SIS.
7 votes
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