Please share your ideas and suggestions to DPI on how the WISEid system should work.
Caution: This is a public forum. Do not include any student identifiable information. Inappropriate content will be removed.
46 results found
Updating a person should only be done by agencies with an active reporting association
Changing (Updating or editing) a name, DOB or gender should only be performed by users from agencies that have an unconflicted and current association established in a collection.
staff as an example: a contract record should exist in the staff collection that established an association between the person and the Agency before that person can be edited by that agency.
Students would need an enrollment record in the student collection.
This suggestion basically mimics the current behavior of WSLS
42 votesTowards the end of 16-17 we sent a request to SIS vendors to change their downloads of Person Upload data to provide an option or default to only including Students/Staff that are enrolled in the current school year. This should effectively complete the requested solution. If your vendor doesn’t allow limiting your Person Upload to just current year staff/students please submit a help desk ticket with your vendor to remind them to implement this requested change.
Email notification when a message/change request needs my attention
When a message/change request comes to my agency, I would love an email notification. Often times the seven days has come and gone before I even have a chance to see it.
37 votesWe have completed this finally. There are a few rough edges we are fixing in the next month or so, but the system is up and running. You can subscribe to emails from the WISEid/WISEstaff Admin Menu \ Agency Notifications page. Please suggest new ideas if there is any activity we currently don’t monitor that you want to get notifications for.
Download files of WISEids should provide Educator Entity/File Number for licensed persons
To provide additional "Hard" matches for importing WISEid files into the school Districts HR or SIS systems, the Educator File Number should be provided on Persons that have them.
This could help import data in a number of situations. a specific example is where a district has separate HR and SIS software packages that do not share a local id (Employee or Payroll Number) across them. When either system could generate a state report including Educators, the WISEid will need to be loaded into both systems. DPI is recommending that the HR system be the system of record for managing…
26 votesWe have for a few years now had Entity IDs in all of our Person related downloads. Additionally if you upload a new Entity ID in the person upload it will create a Change Request for DPI to review.
Updating a person should only be done by districts with a Local_Row_key Association
Changing (updating or editing) a persons Name, DOB, and Gender would only be editable by users from districts that have established a relationship with that person.
19 votesAny changes to the main name (legal name) and birthdate go through our Change Request approval process. Any district with a Local Person ID attached to the person can deny the change and comment on within 7 days of the original request. Additionally, we have created Notifications in the Notification module for these when they are created.
help buttons
Can you put a help button (?) next to each button? It would help tremendously.
Also, put the order that work is to be completed at the top - left (before person). Every time I enter this program, I am at a bit of a loss on what to do next, in what order.
15 votesWe completed integrating tooltips, Need Help? menu and directions on each page.
Help Desk Link
Put a link to the "Help Desk Ticket" on both WISEid and WISEstaff.
14 votesWISEid and WISEstaff now have a link to ‘Open a Help Ticket’ that can be found under the Need Help? menu.
Allow District-to-District transfer of students
Districts could send/request students based on WISEid by flagging them for transfer and an accept/reject process. This would help avoid data errors and duplicate data entry.
14 votesChange Request system does this currently as long as you vote to deny a change request in 7 days it is blocked.
Once a WISEid generated it should never be invalid
Districts should not need to delete or update a WISEid that is merged with other records. Both IDs should remain valid so that school staff are no longer concerned with getting lists of WISEids to change from DPI.
This would not eliminate all manual updates as splitting an improperly matched WISEid would still require at least one district to update its records. However the localrowkey could be used to assist in those scenarios.
11 votesWe don’t require you to update the deactivated WISEid in the WISEid system. If you search by it or attempt to update it you will get the active WiSEid to make changes. However, WISEdata Collections system does require you to update the WISEid if the person is in the current year’s collections. In WISEid we recommend at least updating current students and staff to the latest update and have reports to find these. However, its not a requirement for the WISEid system to function.
Develop better match criteria for students with two last names
Students with two last names are frequently duplicated. Some districts might have used one or the other last name instead of both. Other districts might have last names in a different order. Another district might put a dash between two last names while another might use a space. Better matching criteria would help eliminate duplicates.
Please work on a way to help identify students with two last names correctly in WISEid.
10 votesWe now filter out differences in matches due to hyphens, periods, or spaces.
Duplicate request notification
Notification about duplicate reports being approved or denied to requesting agency. As they would need to know if the change went through to correct their SIS information.
9 votesInformation is now in WISEid under Message Center – Duplicate Merge Requests. We also have Notifications in our Notification system to alert districts of change in status.
need instructions on page
Next steps. I think that we need more directions or information under each category. Example. I have uploaded my csv file. Then, I went to results and downloaded the new/comment filled csv file back from the State. I tried to clean things up and resubmit. I am now down to zero errors, but 4 potential match issues that I need help with. Instructions would help. Thanks.
9 votesAt the end of 19-20 collection, we implemented documentation on each page with directions and tooltips when applicable. We have also have an Overview page in the application menu that describes all pages and how to use them.
Name Changes in WISE Staff
When a staff member changes their last name, it would be nice to have an easy way to change it in WISE Staff.
8 votesWe now have an Edit button in WISEstaff Staff Edit page that takes you directly to the person to make edits to name and demographics.
Shared Staff between Districts
How are the staff IDs going to work between districts that share staff - such as substitute teachers and coaches? Will there be a database where we can look up these numbers? This will be a nightmare otherwise.
7 votesWISEid is the database where people look up are perfomed
Missing Entity IDs
Please add the ability to update/add Entity ID's that are missing. Currently the only way to fix for a few is to upload another person file which is a lot of work for only a few missing records. Thanks.
7 votesWe have ability now to request Entity ID changes in the WISEid and WISEstaff tabs one person at a time. We also have ability to search ELO for the correct person.
Spaces in last name
WISEid student change request should not be generated when the difference is just spaces or hyphens in the name.
7 votesThis was put in place at end of 2019 but there were cases being missed we corrected in November 2020.
link from school name to school Contacts
Messages and Change Requests. Make the school districts involved a link to their contact information from the request screen.
5 votesWe now have this in place on the Message and Change Request page and also other places in the application where the Agency Name is listed.
New Staff ID numbers
Why are the staff IDs changing? Why would we need to use a new number instead of the license number of entity number already in existence? Our Skyward systems already have this information and if it is encouraged that we upload from Skyward - there is no spot for some type of a new Staff ID? This would require manual input for every employee!
5 votesYou will not need to hand enter WISEid’s into your local system. The process will work much like WSLS. You will first generate a file out of your local system. Next you will upload this file to the WISEid application and wait for it to process. Finally you will retrieve a result file that you import into your local system that will populate the WISEid.
Skyward has assured DPI that the have a field ready to store the WISEid that is separate from the Entity number.
Both number are necessary due to differing requirement for persons to that need to be licensed and which persons are reported in the Staff collection.
Button consistency
Under Results, the Error and Match buttons do not look like buttons, but the little letter icon to the far left does. The buttons should be more consistent.
- comment from Waunakee during helpdesk call
4 votesWe made Errors, POtential Matches, and Download all same and more bold to indicate they are clickable.
Easy access to applications
Please allow the ability to switch back and forth between the WISEid application and the WISEdata portal.
4 votesNow when you click the Exit button you have option to “Go to DPI Secure Home” where you can easily go to any of the DPI Applications you have access to including WISEdata Portal.
WISEid enhancement to Requesting/Dependent Agency
I would like to see an enhancement to the WISEid for Requesting Agency and Dependent Agency to be listed alphabetically rather than by LEA #. Most users do not know (or care) what another agency LEA # is, they want to find the agency in a quick and fast manner, hence alphabetically.
4 votesThis has been fixed so the drop downs are sorted alphabetically.
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