Updating a person should only be done by agencies with an active reporting association
Changing (Updating or editing) a name, DOB or gender should only be performed by users from agencies that have an unconflicted and current association established in a collection.
staff as an example: a contract record should exist in the staff collection that established an association between the person and the Agency before that person can be edited by that agency.
Students would need an enrollment record in the student collection.
This suggestion basically mimics the current behavior of WSLS
Towards the end of 16-17 we sent a request to SIS vendors to change their downloads of Person Upload data to provide an option or default to only including Students/Staff that are enrolled in the current school year. This should effectively complete the requested solution. If your vendor doesn’t allow limiting your Person Upload to just current year staff/students please submit a help desk ticket with your vendor to remind them to implement this requested change.
Towards the end of 16-17 we sent a request to SIS vendors to change their downloads of Person Upload data to provide an option or default to only including Students that are enrolled in the current school year. This should effectively complete the requested solution. We also are for sure working on email notifications option for school districts.
Diane McMullen commented
I agree that full legal names should be used, not nicknames except as alias. There should also be more choices for race and ethnicity to be truly accurate. It makes no sense to track ethnicity when, for example, I have had to report an Arabic Muslim as white because the correct option isn't available. Kind of "garbage in, garbage out."
Lacy Davis commented
I feel that this is the best way to receive the information. Districts should also provide the address changes. This would free more time for the licensing staff too.
Anonymous commented
I like this idea, as it gives opportunities for districts who share employees to communicate with each other. Those in charge of staffing reports should be contacted via e-mail alert if another district makes any changes to an employee. Might flag the HR department to get new W-4's, insurance forms, etc., for employees who have failed to notify them of changes. (It happens!)
Kori Nelson commented
It only makes sense that the reporting entities are responsible to provide accurate information (name as shown on Social Security card, etc.) freeing Kari and DPI to do data checks as time is available. I would like to see email confirmations sent to reporting Districts when updates are made.
Kori Nelson commented
Definitely would need an alias/former name field available in order to help curb duplicates. Absolutely need to use name on Social Security card when entering both locally and in WISE.