Download files of WISEids should provide Educator Entity/File Number for licensed persons
To provide additional "Hard" matches for importing WISEid files into the school Districts HR or SIS systems, the Educator File Number should be provided on Persons that have them.
This could help import data in a number of situations. a specific example is where a district has separate HR and SIS software packages that do not share a local id (Employee or Payroll Number) across them. When either system could generate a state report including Educators, the WISEid will need to be loaded into both systems. DPI is recommending that the HR system be the system of record for managing WISEid's for staff. The SIS system should have an identifier it can use to provide some additional confidence when matching records on import then just first and last name.
We have for a few years now had Entity IDs in all of our Person related downloads. Additionally if you upload a new Entity ID in the person upload it will create a Change Request for DPI to review.
The file number or entity number (ID) used by the ELO application is NOT the same as the WISEid and will not be the same in the future.
Only a subset of staff have entity IDs in ELO. The WISEid will be a unique, unduplicated, permanent ID for all staff.
Patrick commented
Does this mean that the 'WISEid' used for WISEdata is the SAME number as the 'Entity Number' used for the ELO Licensing?