WISEdata Data Collection - Systems/Software
8 results found
Add specific error codes for the 5 scenarios of #7139
With error #7139, Invalid Educational Environment Setting based on student age and grade level for the effective period of the special education record. This error can throw in 5 different scenarios, so read the detail in the error 'Long Text' carefully and/or click the KBA article link for more information, could you please split that out into five different errors? It takes a LOT of time to look up five different scenarios for each student. This would save us a lot of time! Thank you!
1 vote -
Add Domain and/or Error code to Email Notification for Messages
Enhancement request for WISEdata Messages: When districts receive a message from another district regarding a student error or warning in WISEdata, we receive a pretty generic email notification that does not include any information to let the primary and secondary contacts for the district know what 'area' the message is in regards to. When the email notification comes through on a message, can it include the domain area and/or error code for the student? This would help with workflow efficiency when there are multiple district staff working with student data to know if the message is in their area (spec…
1 vote -
Initial Evals getting lost between transfers
This is an interesting scenario. The student qualified in another Wisconsin district. I can see their Initial Eval from March in WISE. because they left that school before the implementation date of the IEP, the IEP did not push to WISE. This student was not caught in the 6614 warning. Is there anyway the logic can look at qualifying Initial Evals as well? (I am not sure if the determination transmits with the Initial Eval information.)
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New WISEdata Warning for EL Students
Suggestion for a Warning message - Students who have a reported Language Instruction Program Service, but a listed Proficiency Level of "7-Fully English Proficient, never ELL/LEP".
2 votes -
School Roster Details - Sort Roster Alpha
On the School Roster Details page, it would be nice to be able to be able to sort the students listed on the roster by last name (or any column). In our SIS, the rosters show up in Alpha order by last name, so it would be a lot easier to compare.
3 votes -
Mass Add Tags
AASD loves the ability to apply department tags to errors and warnings! One person monitors the entire database and each department just filters the tags to narrow the list to just those they need to look at. It would be nice if we had the ability to mass assign tags. I was thinking maybe a way to check boxes next to specific errors/warnings (or select all) and then an option pops up as to which tag to use.
4 votes -
Create combined Discipline export that includes Incidents and Actions
Feedback from the WISEdata Conference 2019 - Using WISEdata and WISEdash for Snapshot Preparation session - March 20, 2019
Currently it's difficult to cross reference the Incident and Action exports, so create a combined export to facilitate review.
4 votes -
Grade Level added to Roster reports
Please add a grade level field to various reports. Today I am specifically talking about the Roster Sections - Grades/Marks, but am willing to bet this field would be helpful in many other downloadable reports.
2 votes
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