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WISEdata Data Collection - Systems/Software

86 results found

  1. Data Quality / Validation Result Doughnuts

    When viewing the Data Quality & Validation Results page . . . suggestion - keep the warnings out of the Student Error Rate doughnut. Warnings should be tracked in the warning doghnut and the errors should be tracked in the errors doughnut.

    When you combine acknowledge warnings in the Error doughnut . . . it is very confusing and it shows false information.

    Thank you for your consideration.

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    completed  ·  John Raub responded

    We have removed the donut charts and replaced with % of Students with Errors or Unacknowledged Warnings.

  2. 3rd Fri-Oct 1: errors vs. warnings

    Error codes 6381 (3rd Fri Count missing) and 6601 (Oct 1 CC missing): These errors should be just 'warnings' until after the dates of these counts. For example: the 6601 error will occur until after the Oct 1 CC has happened...this would mean all our sped students will error out until after Oct 1. Once the date has passed (ie. on Oct 2), these should be considered 'errors'.

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    completed  ·  John Raub responded

    We have modified these to not run until 3 months after July 1st (start of DPI calendar year). So the first time a 3rd Fri or Oct 1 would appear would be Oct 1. We can configure the rules this way after an enhancement over the Summer.

  3. Add Local Use Comments to Validation Messages

    Add the Ability to Keep Comments on validation messages so that Schools can keep tabs on gathered information needed for correction process other then in printouts or separate documents that are out of date in the next ten minutes. Inter-District validations allow comments to be shared with other schools that are receiving the same message

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    completed  ·  John Raub responded

    This is the Work In Process bookmark now in place inside of the WISEdata Portal. At this time we won’t store comments but it will identify the user working on the item.

  4. Clear Infos after validation

    Since the magic Zero is the goal most of us are working to see, could the Informational Count be cleared after a validation is run? This was a feature in ISES that kept us just a little bit saner. :-)


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    completed  ·  John Raub responded

    Count inclusion Info messages no longer exist (instead there are indicators on Student Detail and other report

  5. 6414 Chg to WARNING

    Make rule 6414 a WARNING so it handle a change to LEP if students status changes from since the ACCESS test was administered

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  6. Order of name on lists

    Please have some consistency when displaying names. Sometimes you will see the last name first in a list and other times you will see the first name first in a list.

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  7. Change Agency, adding list of city names

    Can the locations/cities districts and schools are located in be added to WISEdata when you click on change agency? Looking up St. John Lutheran to check their data is very difficult because there are about 5 different schools and I can't tell which is which without going to WISEid and finding the agency code based on school name and city and then going back to WISEdata. Thanks!

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  8. Export Screen Report Order

    Put the export reports in some type of order ABC/Topic/date of when you would need it, etc.

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    completed  ·  1 comment  ·  WISEdata Portal  ·  Admin →
  9. Switch year in students' details

    Can we be in a student and switch between years. Currently, we have to go back to Student Search and change the year. It would be handy to change the year within the students' details.

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  10. Validation Message Summary on New Home Screen

    Validation Message Summary on new Home Page is a bit confusing. Can the years be more clear?

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  11. Attendance Export needs Enroll Dates

    Attendance Export should include the Enrollment start and end dates so we can compare those dates to the actual and possible attendance days and spot potential errors in our SIS where there is a large discrepancy.

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  12. Extract student info from "Enrollments not qualifying for 3rd Friday of September" graph .

    Ability to extract the student information that is depicted on the "Enrollments not Qualifying for 3rd Friday of September" graph in WISEdata. This would be a handy tool when auditing the 3rd Friday counts.

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    completed  ·  John Raub responded

    Using the ‘Enrollment – 3rd Friday September’ export, there is a column you can filter/sort on the ‘Count Inclusion For 3rd Fri Sept’ column for True, False.

  13. Student Search without full first and last names

    When performing a student search have the last name and first name fields search ahead. Currently you need to type a full last name to find anyone with that last name. This search would be much more friendly if the system searched as you typed and filtered as more letters were entered. Currently as well, if you have a full last name typed but only one letter of the first name the system will not find the student at all, even if that first letter is the correct first letter of the first name. This prevents users from finding who…

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    completed  ·  John Raub responded

    We did enhance this capability in early Summer. It may not be exactly how you describe, but the search is more friendly. Let us know if it needs to be enhanced further.

  14. Add Grade level to Student Characteristics Export

    Please add the grade level to the Student Characteristics export in WISEdata. Thank you!

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    completed  ·  John Raub responded

    This is complete and will be present in the export file starting in 19/20 school year files. It will release to Production on 9/10/19 (Tuesday). Thanks! John.

  15. Show the specific classes the student is taking which are uploaded with Roster.

    Are there plans to connect roster to the students so when we search for a student the classes he takes that are uploaded in roster would show? It sure would make it easier to check.

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    completed  ·  John Raub responded

    This is complete. In Student Details there is now a Roster panel where you can see the sections the student is enrolled in.

  16. Spelling Error - 6464

    Hi there! There is a type in message code 6464. The 2nd Actual is spelled wrong.

    Message Code: 6464 - Actual Attendance and Possible Attendance are missing. If the student have no acutal or possible days of attendance, then submit 0. If attendance exists in your local SIS, then contact your vendor to determine how to submit attendance via the Wisconsin extension of the Student API resource.

    Not trying to be picky - just letting you know!

    ~Kari Krakow, CESA 5

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    completed  ·  Jeffery Post responded

    Short and Long Descriptions of Rule 6464 have been corrected in production.

  17. 2 votes

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    completed  ·  John Raub responded

    User can now manual change total number of row to review. This is now in PRODUCTION. Thanks! John.

  18. Daily Enrollment

    District's should be able see which students are counting as "Enrolled" on any given day (without having to go into Wisedash). This could function like a collection, but would not be used as a snapshot. Once TOS is taken there is really no easy way to see what students WISEdata is counting as enrolled on any given day.

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  19. Name included on Discipline Incdent export too

    It would be very nice if the student name could be included on the Discipline Incident export instead of just the WISEid.

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    completed  ·  John Raub responded

    Sorry, meant to say release to PROD is planned for 2/13 or 2/15. Thanks.

  20. School Year Filter include school year start and end year

    On the School Year Filter can you include the beginning and ending year. It is confusing to know if 2017 is 2016-17 or 2017-18.

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WISEdata Data Collection - Systems/Software


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