Updating a person should be done by an active district and require confirmations from other active districts via inbox messaging
Updating a person should be done by an active district and require confirmations from other active districts via inbox messaging.
Active reporting districts should be able to update any information, but it should be held in limbo until all other active districts with conflicting information "Accept" these changes via a home screen message in an inbox within the application. - no calling unless to remind someone to go into the app and accept changes
DPI then has ability to override, but no need to manage individual changes.

Not sure if this is still needed since we have greatly reduced the situations a Change Request is generated.
Lacy Davis commented
I believe that the district who is mainly employing the person should be responsible. This would work fine for employees with regular positions.
In regards to subs, which ever district uses the name and info from the I-9 form (this would give correct name info) should be the one to report the name and info to DPI. If there is a difference in the name then the districts should email (as they always have) to find out who has the I-9 form data.