CTE Data Quality
Can we please add cross tabs with the CTE Data with an option of full school data. I'd like to be able to compare the CTE numbers to potential availability of the entire school district. Example: If there are 3 black students as CTE Concentrators and only 4 in the entire district that would show better if we were actually serving the full population or not serving a population well enough. We are looking at 19-20 data, but I am unable to find school district information for the same year to be able to do the same comparison.
We developed a Public Dynamic Student Cohort for CTE Concentrators, CTE Participants and CTE Graduates for both current year and prior year students. This can be applied to most dashboards.
Thank you for sending this idea in!
You can currently do this with the functionality in WISEdash for Districts, although it may not be intuitive.
You can create a 'group' of CTE Concentrators from the detailed drill in from the Perkins crosstab and then filter other dashboards (Topic > Enrollment for example) by that group of students.
See our Cohorting (Student Groups) guide here: https://dpi.wi.gov/sites/default/files/imce/wisedash/pdf/groupmanagement_guide.pdf
Yvette Johanson