English Language data reporting feedback
Our English Language Team recently brought this to my attention that there are duration of EL reporting data that would be beneficial to be able to pull from WISEdash for Districts.
1) Data request for "Newcomer" and "Long Term" ELs in the ACCESS Filtering tab:
"Newcomer" English Learners was defined as students who have been in EL services for less than 1 year.
"Long Term" English Learners was defined as students who have been in EL services for over 5 years.
Neither of these are select-able options but my understanding is that these are terms that are set by DPI.
2) There is a category for monitoring students for 4 years after reaching EL Code 6. Are students after this level removed from EL monitoring if I were to select group-by EL Status. It would be nice to be able to monitor these students for those 4 years without building an annual "Cohort" in WISEdash.
I understand that these requests can be accomplished by using a Student Cohort in WISEdash for Districts. However, larger districts I could see having more issues with building these cohorts.
If you could please pass this along to your development team, future iterations of EL reporting would be much easier for school districts and EL teams.
Our internal EL workgroup discussed this request and has decided NOT to pursue these elements at this time. Though such elements could be useful to districts there is simply not consensus between states on how to do this.